What’s a MomME™?

To put it simply a MomME™ is the foundation for how I live life as a mom: I’m a mom and I’m me.

Know I didn’t always have a name for this concept of being me in motherhood. In fact the MomME™ term wasn’t created until 2023 when I was writing my book with the same title.

Back in the day it was just this feeling that I couldn’t sacrifice all of who I am as Rachel to the demands of motherhood. I mean, I tried it. For 9 months, I lost myself in motherhood with 3 kids under the age of two. I was miserable, I felt like a shell of myself, and I couldn’t keep living that way.

So I did what any woman might do. I broke down crying to my husband and quit. I quit being everything for everyone.

I started doing things that I liked to do again. I got out my sewing machine and made things just for the fun of it. I picked up running again (which I genuinely enjoy… yes, I am one of those people.) and made monthly book club dinners a priority.

This simple - not easy - process of bringing things that I enjoy back into my motherhood experience made motherhood less overwhelming. And slowly, I started to love being a mom again.

When I decided to write a book in 2023, I wanted to write a book for the overwhelmed moms who are in survival mode. The moms who are doing everything for everyone and still feeling like they’re never doing enough. The moms who don’t know who they are outside of being a mom. The moms who desperately want to enjoy motherhood but just aren’t.

Basically, I was writing to the me I was in 2020 with newborn twins and an 18 month old.

I knew the book title needed to be something catchy that would also capture the essence of the book. After weeks of playing around with less than stellar ideas, my dear friend Landan came up with MomME™. And it’s stuck.

MomME™ is not just a catchy name. It’s a mindset. And one that will lead to enjoying motherhood more.

You see a MomME™ is mom (obviously). But she’s not just a mom. She’s herself, too.

This mom knows that she is important as a human being. She honors who she was before she became a mom, celebrates who she is during this season, and plans ahead for the mom she will become.

She uses her identity, as herself, outside her roles (mom, wife, friend, etc.), to enhance her parenting.

A MomME™ prioritizes herself to show up as her best self for HERSELF and her family.


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