Discover the Ultimate MomME Playbook:
Unleash Joy in Parenting!

No one ever teaches us how to mom. Sure, they tell us all about pregnancy and that we should expect our lives to change, but no one ever teaches us how to adapt to the challenges of parenting. No one gives us a playbook of how to maintain our marriages or how to maintain our own identities while wrangling toddlers all day. So I wrote MomME to help other moms create joy in parenting.

Have you ever felt like you've lost yourself in motherhood? yep.

Have you ever felt guilty for taking time for yourself? yep.

Do you feel overwhelmed by the mundane days as a mom? yep.

Is this book for me?

if you’re asking yourself

Have you ever felt isolated and alone? yep.

Do you feel like you've lost the spark in your marriage? yep.

Are you constantly trying new strategies to see what will work? yep.

  • Finally a momming book that makes you feel like you’re talking to a friend, not being preached at or given a series of unattainable parenting goals. Rachel was so good at sharing real life and easy ways to enjoy being a mom without getting totally overwhelmed by the day to day. Plus it was a quick read to get through even when my baby was on a nap strike!! So thankful to feel like I have another mom friend in my corner now.

    Landan W.

  • A big takeaway from MomME is that it's okay to allow yourself to enjoy motherhood and also not love every second of it. I wish this was more talked about amongst moms, especially new ones… I feel like this would have saved me or at least helped me feel seen during those first few months.

    Jess G.

  • I really loved reading MomMe! The whole book was incredibly relatable and made me feel like I am not alone in thoughts about motherhood. Chapter 5 and 7 were some of my favorites! Getting out of the house is so important and I loved the quote “Negativity breeds negativity”and how Rachel discusses how isolating it can be as a mom. Chapter 7 is also one of my favorites. “Sharing your struggles makes them feel less monumental.” Wow that is such a powerful statement! So much of what we deal with in motherhood we keep to ourselves, but by sharing we realize we are not alone and others can also relate and might have solutions or suggestions we can share!

    Sam S.

  • I stopped journaling in college because it became anxiety-inducing. Brain dumping everything I needed to do just made it harder to sleep. I'm excited to try out gratitude journaling and see if this method is more fulfilling.

    Emily L.

  • Love how bold, upfront & straight forward it is! No BS, both the highs & lows of parenting, knowing we all go through it and that it’s OK not to love ever step along the way & that it doesn’t make you a bad parent.

    Mallory B.

  • This book was such a pleasure to read. I found myself laughing out loud, nodding along and most importantly, relating in numerous ways. Motherhood is a wild ride and this book is the perfect companion to navigating the sh*%show!

    Amber N.

  • You know how you wish people would be honest about parenthood: the good, the bad, and the ugly? MomMe does that by being transparent with the struggles of being a mom but also highlighting different strategies and perspectives to bring joy into some of the hardest parts of motherhood!

    Jess S.



Being a mom is one hell of a ride.

It's simultaneously wonderful and fun, while also being challenging AF. Sometimes it leaves us feeling lost in the overwhelming monotony of motherhood and questioning our life choices. Been there? Me too, friend. Me too!

But here's the thing: We don't have to accept survival as the best motherhood has to offer. In fact, I don't recommend it. That's where the MomME method comes in.

I never expected to be a stay-at-home mom. But, like many moms in the twenty-first century, circumstances pushed me into the challenging new role of full-time momming. Desperate to find meaning and rediscover myself in the chaos of raising young children, I developed systems to maximize my time, reorient my mindset, and prioritize myself. I shares these strategies in my book MomME and I have built a community of support for other overwhelmed moms so they, too, can find joy in young motherhood.

My husband, Craig, and I live in Lubbock, Texas, where I work at our alma mater by day and am the best mom to our three children, Annette (Nette), Otto, and Isa, all the time.

About the Author

Bonus Materials Included with the Book

How to Organize
a Moms Group

Hashtag Guide

Mom Group
Vetting Form

Leave the
House Checklist

Daily Intention
Setting Sheet

Uplifting Spotify

Expecting &

Journaling - Quick
Start Guide

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